Behind Clear Within with Arrad

After spending years combating pimples as a teenager and eventually clearing my skin, I thought I had finally grown out of my acne. But as soon as I got into my early 20’s, my skin got even worse. 

Deep cysts, whiteheads, and papules were popping up on my face more than I ever experienced in the past. I went through different dermatologists who gave me every single topical treatment you could think of, from benzoyl peroxide to tretinoin to adapalene to salicylic acid and so forth. Even after many months of trialing each topical treatment, the acne persisted. 

With no results from these topicals, I was then put on antibiotics. And honestly, it was the only treatment that could control my acne and prevent breakouts. But the problem with antibiotics were that:

1. They destroyed the good bacteria in my gut, resulting in discomfort, bloating, and cramps. 


2. After I stopped treatment, my acne would return even WORSE than when I started

It turns out antibiotics are not good for long term use because they destroy both the good and bad bacteria in the gut. And the more you take them, the more resistant the bacteria becomes to treatment. The more I used antibiotics, the less effective they became.

After exhausting all our options, my dermatologist recommended me to try isotretinoin (popularly known as Accutane). For many people, this was supposedly their holy grail of acne treatments. So I gave it a shot. And just within a few days of taking the medication, I experienced the worst stomach pain of my life. I began to develop severe GI problems, which resulted in me not being able to work, sleep, or live normally. Not too long after beginning this medication, I had no choice but to stop.

My doctor told me I was out of options, but I was determined to find a way to clear my skin, even if it was a matter of taking this into my own hands. Realizing that I was able to clear my skin from the inside by taking antibiotics, I figured that taking a more natural internal approach could be the most effective route without all the negative side effects. 

After a few weeks of research, I saw a multitude of information regarding holistic remedies for acne. It turns out that a lot of the products we get prescribed from traditional dermatologists act as a band-aid to temporarily mask out the acne. In my case, there was underlying inflammation and hormonal imbalances that I was failing to “mask out” with creams and ingestible medications.To reaffirm my research, I consulted with a holistic doctor who could properly guide this newly discovered drug-free acne journey. He helped curate a program that grouped natural remedies and vitamins which worked in harmony with one another, tackling the roots of my acne from the inside. And within a few months, my acne was gone.

I wiped out years of acne in just a few months by taking nutrients that my body needed to heal my skin from the inside out.

And I was eager to immediately spread the word. I had friends and family who struggled with acne. After sharing these natural remedies with them and seeing their positive results, I realized that this treatment could help others and be taken to a larger scale. 

But it cost a pretty penny. All these ingredients were very expensive to purchase individually. I couldn’t find any reliable products on the market, so I sought out to create a product that was both top quality AND cost effective.

And this is when Clear Within was born.

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1 comment
  • How long before seeing results?
    Can teenage likes take this? Is your product money back guaranteed?

    Mona on

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